The Concussion Specialists™ (TBI3)

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Personal Injury Market

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The Need for Better TBI Diagnosis

The Personal Injury Market

Much of the conventional modalities used to assess brain damage lack the ability to effectively diagnose the majority of TBIs.

With varying levels of severity, a patient could have residual
symptoms from a mild TBI and you wouldn’t be able to see it. The current process is fragmented and takes significant time and resources to get answers

Our Untapped Niche

Bridging the Gap in Mild TBI Detection

A void exists in the realm of mild TBIs between the affected patient/patient’s attorney and the available technology to detect damage.

TBI3™ has identified and capitalized on the niche in this market by streamlining our proprietary technology and automating our processes, partnering with personal injury attorneys to create a checklist for injury assessment, and leveraging in-house
neurologists for objective data interpretation.